Kyle Kowalski

Enterprising full-stack developer with a plethora of systems experience and a growing knowledge of the coding world.

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Full Stack Developer

When I say 'full stack' I actually mean it. I've spent a decade as a systems admin; I understand the back end of systems intimately. Now my focus is coding; what can I create for you?


Enterprising Individual

Someone has to fuel the ideas that make this world flourish. Pieces, parts, questions and answers - put all of these things together and you've got a good start toward shaping the future.


Team Oriented

I am a team player. I'll teach, learn, find solutions, reconcile differences, and ultimately work towards our collective goal as part of a great team.

It's time to create.
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A little about me:

Hi, I'm Kyle Kowalski, a lifelong student with a professional focus on all things IT. In school I focused on problem solving. Often technology has a solution, a better solution that just requires a little work to create.

This desire to help led me to a career as a systems administrator. My focus was primarily on Microsoft Windows systems and the myriad of associated software suites. I found a wonderful niche in systems automation. My team functioned much better when a system was automated and monitored effectively - b onus points for having a system tell you what was broken and how to fix it.

My drive for automation lead me to scripting: PowerShell. I have to admit, I really enjoyed learning PowerShell. I was able to script away huge swaths of my job. The basic monitoring and maintenance tasks were automated and I simply had to deal with any issues that were brought to my attention - usually an email from the monitor on an ailing system. It was beautiful.

The cloud changed my career. Systems are disappearing into the cloud at a rapid pace - admins can scale better and monitor more systems productively. My ability to deal with the issues directly was dimished, so I started to look elseware; how could I get my hands back into things?

Coding! It seems my career has reached this plateau, I am establishing myself as a coder; here is my portfolio.

Please Enjoy!

- Kyle

Let's find a happy medium and have fun working together.
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