Bar Style Trivia!

Shared Screen Edition

Welcome to share-screen trivia!

The basics: This is a multi-round trivia for one to many teams.
It shares a single screen... for now. (future updates, etc, as time permits)
Please create your team(s) - many people on a single team? Sure!
Then select the type of questions to be asked (checkboxes below).
There are a few other variables to choose (number of questions, timer length, etc)
Fill in the blank will be graded by the next team (or yourself if 1 team - honor system, please?)
When you're ready - click 'Go!'

How many teams do you want to create?

Game Variables:

Number of questions (per team):
Time limit for each question (seconds):

Types Of Questions

Let's play Trivia!

Time Remaining:


Possible Answer(s):